After just opening her diddi dance this month, Charlotte Foxley of diddi dance Colchester, Maldon, Halstead & West Tendring has already received some great press about her new diddi dance her hopes for the future of it!
We couldn’t be more happy for Charlotte after having just launched the area and her classes!
Here is an excerpt from the article:
“I strongly believe toddlers need to get active and socialise and our classes are a great way for them to meet other children and join in with as much as they want to and in time they will become confident and learn what is going to happen next.”
Charlotte is also hoping youngsters with learning disabilities will go along and she is trying to set up special after school sessions.
Charlotte’s eldest son, Charlie, who is now eight, has special needs and is a pupil at Lexden Springs School in Colchester.
She said: ” When Charlie was three, I took him to a class and it was awful. He wasn’t walking and there was no understanding so I left. I wouldn’t want another mum to feel like that. I am passionate about setting up a diddi dance class for special needs children of school age as an after school activity in Colchester. This is in the early stages of planning and I am currently looking at venues and talking to other mums to see how we could get this to work. I understand how difficult it is to join clubs and activities in the community and how often we cannot, as their needs are such it is hard to participate. But I would really encourage any parents and carers who have a child under five with special needs to come along to one of the classes during the day. I understand what it’s like so hopefully they will feel able to come along.”
If you live in the area please have a read of the full article here!
To book onto one of Charlotte’s classes request a free trial here or contact her here!