‘Twirl for Tommy’s’ is not only about getting kids active from a young age and joining together to experience dance, but will also be helping Tommy’s to save tiny lives. Each participant is being sponsored by friends and family to complete the funky dance moves. All money raised will go to Tommy’s, which funds research into pregnancy complications and runs an information service for parents-to-be.If every 1,000 children raised £20 each, a staggering £20,000 would be raised for Tommy’s – enough to pay for a researcher on a scientific trial. The highest fundraiser will win Diddi Dance classes, a t-shirt and DVD.
The ‘Twirl for Tommy’s event is open to all pre-school boys and girls even if they don’t attend Diddi Dance classes. Visit http://www.tommys.org/diddidance or contact Anne-Marie on 07973 982790 or info@diddidance.com to find out how.
Jane Brewin, Chief Executive of Tommy’s, says: “We are delighted that Diddi Dance are holding ‘Twirl for Tommy’s’ events, and hope that as many people as possible get in involved with them. Not only are they great fun, and help young kids get active, but they’ll also raise money for Tommy’s which will help fund research so that more mums can enjoy a healthy pregnancy. Every little wiggle helps!”
Diddi Dance teacher, Anne-Marie, said: “The children are so excited about completing the challenging dance moves – hula hooping isn’t easy for a three year old but they are going to try their best and have fun at the same time! Diddi Dance is all about giving children confidence through dance and we’re delighted to be able to help raise lots of money for Tommy’s and do our bit to help women through difficult pregnancies.”
To take part in this event please contact Anne-Marie on 07973 982790 or info@diddidance.com.